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Other websites : Peter Haagen onboard Eir tells about his one year long trip to Brasil (South America, yes!) and back - there's some nice photo's too. He has reached the Acores Islands on his way back after a 36 days trip across the Atlantic in August 2007 and after Kinsale in Ireland (beginning of October) and Oban in Scotland, he's back in Denmark via the Caledonian Canal (December 07). In Danish. : Aries windvane. In 1988, Peter Matthiesen borrowed his father's GD28 for what was supposed to be a summer trip and ended up in New Zealand more than 2 years after!
A sailor dictionary: Aphrodite 101 boat website hold the best dictionary seen with nautical words in danish/swedish/english/french/spanish/german…. But to find words such as water, wind, food, beer or sing press the following link…
english-danish dictionary : Goes in both direction. Not for particular 'sailors' vocabulary, but still pretty complete and useful.
This website was originally created to replace the one opened by Dave Bunn which was supposed to be closed down for financial and time reasons. As it's still there, go and have a look, you'll find pictures and some good stories.
- In english 'The Long Voyage Home' by R. Lancy Burn, ed. Arseya LLC, 2004: How he crossed the Atlantic aboard his GD28 'Blue Gipsy' after buying her in Denmark and going to South Carolina in 1971 (his first crossing).
- In english: Great Dane 28 are cited in two books we know of; the first one is Seraffyn's European Adventure by Lin Pardey when then sailed in North Europe during th 70's (they give a description of the boat) and the second one is Singlehanded Sailing: The Experiences and Techniques of the Lone Voyagers by Richard Henderson first written 1976 (a GD28 owner says he prefer hulling to instead of heaving to in rough weather).
Boat magazine articles
- Practical Boat Owner, April 2004, p 128-131, Great Dane 28 - The greatest Dane of all? by David Harding (in english)
- Yacht, Heft 10/1977, Yacht Fahrbericht Great Dane 28 Mark III 8,50-m-Langkieler aus Glasharz von Herbert Pielbaum (in german)
- Palstek, Heft 5/2001, S. 54f., Die GFK-Klassiker: Great Dane 28 von Detlef Jens (in german)
- BÅDNYT, November 2005, pp 50-53, Brugtbåd: Great Dane 28, Robust og havgående familie-klassiker von Henrik Hansen (in danish)
- A german daily put the GD 28 on par with e.g. the "Nicholson 32" or Olle Enderlein's "OE 32" in an article about the finest classic GRP-yachts: Die Welt (Deutschland), Sonnabend, 12.03.2005, Klassisch schön. Der Weg zu einer eigenen Yacht führt oft über Oldtimer, die selbst nach 30 Jahren und auch in GFK-Bauweise ihren Wert behalten - wir nennen die Besten von Detlef Jens